Outstanding Canine Freestyle Dance Routine — Gin, the Border Collie

March 11, 2009


OK, I’m not certain I can consider Canine Freestyle Dancing a true art form — it’s more like a throwback to the days of Vaudeville — but you’ve simply got to watch this clip from “Britain’s Got Talent” featuring 16 year-old Kate and her 6 year-old border collie, Gin.

I apologize in advance for the fact that you’ll be forced to bear a few moments of that demon Satan-spawn Simon Cowell — you can take a long, hot shower afterward. Click on photo for a larger image.


One Response to “Outstanding Canine Freestyle Dance Routine — Gin, the Border Collie”

  1. sweetieNo Gravatar on March 11th, 2009 11:50 am

    This sounded so intriguing that I actually took a minute to watch this, feeling guilty being on uTube at work! The audience reaction was great. I didn’t have the sound on, so I’ll have to do that at home. FUN!

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