50 Things Every Mac Geek Should Know

March 4, 2009

maclife-logoFrom the editors at Mac|Life magazine (formerly the zanier MacADDICT). We can’t heartily endorse the entire 50. In fact, we honestly believe  you can be a very respectable Mac geek and not know how to play Tetris in the Terminal.

Checking and repairing permissions (#7), yeah, that’s one for sure. But Dock tweaks (#20, #38)  Firefox over Safari (#21) Walking Over Driving Directions (#34, beta) and Smart Playlists in iTunes (#39)?  Maybe there just aren’t 50 world-altering Mac tips.

But there sure as hell are at least 17 Worst Mac Disasters along with coping advice from the same. Although disaster #7 Mac Scratch Fever, getting a scratch on your Titanium PowerBook?  Perhaps we need to remind ourselves of a real disaster with consequences.


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