Helpful Websites for Dogs with Behavioral Problems
December 15, 2010
Too many dogs are surrendered to shelters or simply abandoned due to behavioral problems. This, along with the sometimes suspect ‘I’m moving and can’t take my dog,’ are the top two reasons Animal Control Officers all across the country hear from people who are giving up a dog.
I believe an awful lot of these problems could’ve been dealt with before they got to the abandonment stage if owners would use consistent, positive training methods. If there aren’t qualified dog trainers in your area, there’s a wealth of information online. I’ve compiled a list of a dozen free resources below.
Yes, some behavioral problems may be beyond your ability to cope with. But all too often owners give up with only minimal attempts to bring about positive change. Almost any behavioral problem can be improved, whether it can be modified enough to solve the issue or bring relief to the harried owner is the question. Don’t give up too soon!
Virtual Pet Behaviorist created by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers
How to Stop Agressive Dog Behavior
Rescue Dog Behavior Problems from the National Animal Interest Alliance
Dr. P’s Dog Training Library Scroll down to Header VI (Potential) Behavior Problems
Dogstar Daily – Behavior Problems
Dog Training and Behavior Articles from 4Paws University
Dog Problem Solving from Pet
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