Miggs Burroughs Lenticular Art: Fairfield Public Library, April 16—June 14, 2009

May 14, 2009

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Migg Burroughs is a well-known CT-based artist and graphic designer who has recently been working with lenticular images. While this show does not feature 3D lenticulars, Burroughs certainly proves that this imaging technique can produce fine art in the right hands.

The heart of this show (called Journeys) is a series of nine 18 X 18 inch lenticular portraits that use a period photo combined with a contemporary one taken in the same style to achieve their effect. The image reproduced above is of Burrough’s mother. He used a photograph from her high school days along with an image he shot making a two image lenticular that fades from the young woman to the senior citizen. While this idea may not sound revolutionary, seeing these portraits in person was surprisingly moving.

Burroughs offers a bit of history in his text explaining that it was a French painter Bois-Clair that invented the lenticular concept by taking narrow vertical strips of two paintings, reassembling them and folding them like an accordian. Burrough’s process begins with two digital images and the software necessary to divide them 30 stripes to an inch. He then laminates the digital output with optical lenticualr plastic that has a corresponding 30 grooves to the inch.

One of the highlights of the show is a piece called Political Ties (18 X 18 X 36 inches). Burroughs uses 7 square images joined together to form a simple chair. In the images we alternately see a young man sitting in a chair with a white shirt and red tie, looking much like the fellow working away in the cubicle next to yours. The alternate image has the same young man in a black T-shirt, roped to the chair with his red tie used as a blind fold. You can walk completely around this piece and watch the transformation from every angle.

This show is well worth the trip to Fairfield, CT. All the work is for sale and Burroughs does commissions, too. It was all I could do not to break the bank and buy one of his smaller works on the spot.

There’s one of a local movie house, The Community Theater, (20 X 16 inches) that presents the same view from day to night with an old-fashioned neon movie marque as its focus. Simply beautiful. And for $450 it could hang in your home.

For Miggs Burroughs’ website, go here.
For gallery information on Journeys, go here.


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